If we have a task at hand where we have to keep picking something new to make something new, it might be interesting if you are cooking something but not when you have to do these things on a large scale repetitively. In case of a service where both the
Daniel Eden presented some mind-boggling cases on the use of design tools and how they remained the same since the dawn of design. A modern design tool might bring a new revolution.
Managers at e-commerce companies must adapt their leadership to get the best out of engineers, marketers and designers. How can you be an empathetic leader towards creative professionals and designers on your team to help them impact business with their creativity?
So here's a good read published by Trillion that will boost your spirits and make you feel lively again. Lou Leonardis, the author of this blog and creative director of Trillion, shares out his heart about being a graphic designer and what's the best thing about this profession.
-1 min read
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