We @ Kubric have always been keen on contributing to developer communities. From encouraging our engineers to open source more - to giving multiple talks to being active participants in global developer festivals.
Last year was extraordinary for our kubrics (thats what the engineers like to call themselves!) - Thiyaga from our team presented at DevFest in Kuala Lumpur & ReactFoo, Pune. And Chaitanya presented at the Demuxed conference in San Francisco. Also we had Vinita who was in a women-in-tech panel at DevFest, Bangalore.
We love to give back to the community that has given us so much, since we began our journey. This year undergoing this current pandemic - we were working more, learning more, contributing more so as to build back the balance that might have slightly disturbed (we all know why).
We hopped in the train of celebrating the yearly International Women’s Day with the Women Techmakers India team.
Google’s Women Techmakers (WTM) program provides visibility, dev community, and resources for women in technology and being a WTM Ambassador myself - we are collectively committed to building a world where all women can thrive in tech.
After the cancellation of our yearly IWD celebrations, ambassadors all over India were perplexed and a little sad too ( we all miss meeting & seeing each other don’t we? ) and were pondering over how we could conduct an event that brings women in tech together for this yearly fest…& came upon the idea of having a multi-track multi-day international event!! It was going to be super tricky, would be hard to manage and model around the 30+ ambassadors coming together to organise it, and we all had no experience cause nobody had reimagined an in-person event to go remote like this ever before. We decided to learn and grow from this and began work, Lakshya (Women Techmakers program coordinator, Google) - being our rock & glue to hold us all together through & through!
The design team had tasks that involved making posters, speaker cards, organiser badges, attendee filters, speaker-thanking certificates and attendee-participation certs too! Too much design work to be done in a couple of weeks wouldn’t be easy if there wasn’t an easy way to define design - and generate numerous creatives.
Thankfully it was easy to do with Kubric.
To give a little perspective of how it all happened - here are a few screen-grabs of the process.
Design to Code in Kubric Studio

Design Dashboard

Finally, The magical design multiplier!
We quickly setup a community workspace - invited the design team & we began working it all out. First came the design - then came the fillers, the alignments - the design templates, a few edits & tadaa!! Done. within minutes!
It was easy for the design team to collaborate given the construct of an isolated workspace, an independent asset system which kept all designs and campaign collated as we needed, saving us a lot of time and tedious effort of redoing creatives over and over again.
Savvy - a fellow WTM ambassador from Indore, India got onboarded and actively helped around with no chaperoning required! In her own words -
Kubric was easy, It felt like a magic show!
The hours-long gruelling tasks were completed within minutes with a populated CSV & a design template!!!
The potency of software is when it creates power by minimising one's burden.
We were delighted & empowered to be the bridge between the community and being able to bring this unique solution to help around and do my bit for the (online) IWD summit 20' that had about 4.5k registrations ( 80% were women ), a force of nearly 30 women speakers in 4 tracks, 4 days & more than 200k impressions - all in a matter of a couple weeks, and the partnership of wonderful women in tech <3.
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